Why Is Self-Care So Hard For Us At Times?
Quick attitudinal quiz for you! How many of these qualities do you personally identify?
You take little or nothing personally
You primary concern and thought is for others
You possess a lot of compassion for others and are inspired, and inspire those around you, to serve others
You may take on a lot of the burden at work from others mainly to help the other person
You always seek to meet your partner's/spouses and family's needs first, before you meet your own
You believe that a true win only happens when the other person wins first
If you answered YES to 3 or more of the qualities, guess what?
You are a caregiver!
Now, you may not be shocked to learn this as perhaps you already know this about yourself. But, the flip side of being a constant caregiver is that you may forget to look after your own-self sometimes. And, by constantly looking after others first and putting their needs in front of your own, it can be draining! And, without establishing healthy boundaries you may sometimes get pulled into other's people drama, and ultimately end up feeling overwhelmed or frustrated if things are out of balance.
Establish healthy boundaries and remember to look after yourself in the process. This is much easier said than done, I know. I am a caregiver so I easily default to a place of taking care of others as it is in may nature to care, give, and support them. I enjoy helping others solve problems, and I enjoy when people come to me for help and advice. But, I also try and take the time to do things for myself like working out, cooking, getting adequate sleep, getting organized, knowing when to step away from work, and saying "no" to others sometimes, etc. How are you establishing healthy boundaries in your life? If you are having challenges in this area of your life we should talk as taking care of yourself is so important for your longevity.
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Learn how to stop personalizing what others say and do, especially during the holidays, to reduce stress and practice greater self-compassion.