Why Do We Believe What We Believe?
Have you ever wondered why we believe what we believe?
Or, to put it in more modern terms why certain people believe in conspiracy theories, or that the coronavirus is some governmental way of controlling Americans? I spent this past week thinking about this topic as it is bewildering to me to understand why people believe this to be true and others don't. Well, in a nutshell it would seem that so many individuals buy into a narrative that reinforces our existing belief system. We may claim to be rational beings who use facts and science to inform what we believe, but the fact of the matter is that many individuals default to their wishes, hopes, fears and motivations to decide if something is true especially if it supports what they WANT to believe.
The world we experience is a creation of our perceptions. We simply attract and then see what it is we expect to see. We create a world through our interpretations of reality. Since we are all unique, everyone experiences life through the "filter" of his or her personal history. This is why it is so challenging at times for us to understand another point of view or way of thinking!
So, this brings to me asking the next question, which is what is reality? If individuals from both sides of the political spectrum basically believe what reinforces their individual desires, hopes and fears based on their personal history, how do we really know what is true? Put simply, it is in the eyes of the beholder. The world we experience is a creation of our perceptions. We attract and then see what it is we expect to see.
This brings me to the most important piece. We have the ability to continuously grow . And, through our experiences we can choose to become what we want! Experience is born from growing and expanding thoughts, feelings, actions, viewpoints, beliefs and positions.
So, how are you continuously growing? What steps do you take to challenge old and new beliefs that support the life you want to live? How are you choosing what you want to experience in life vs. being a victim to it? This is the power of coaching! Helping clients to understand how their beliefs inform their thoughts and actions to create the life they want for them-self! Cheers to creating something wondrous and beautiful!
What’s next for you? Let’s have a conversation. Schedule some time now (click button below).
Learn how to stop personalizing what others say and do, especially during the holidays, to reduce stress and practice greater self-compassion.