Video: The Power Of Core Energy Coaching

Coaching works! It really works as I have not only experienced as a trained Core Energy Coach, but also as someone who has a coach and therefore been coached. The overall process has allowed me to become aware of you I think, feel and act and allowed me to break through any limiting thoughts and undesired reactions. How? By creating a powerful state of awareness through a systematic process of understanding who I really am as opposed to the “I” that I believe I am and that I was taught who I am.

In this video, discover the WHY coaching is so transformational and one of the most liberating experiences! If someone told you that you already have the wisdom and fortitude to emotionally connect your inner purpose and passion with your outer goals, would you believe them? Well, I am here to tell you that you do. And, that I would thoroughly enjoy understanding where you are and where you want to go so that together we can unlock your potential.

Your level of consciousness creates your perceptions, and that creates and recreates the world you know.

— -iPEC

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