Video: How am I showing up in my day-to-day job?

How are you showing up in your day-to-day professional life? Do you even know how you are showing up with your peers, leaders, fellow team members, etc.? Are you the individual who is constantly complaining or blaming others for your problems, or feeling a lot of anger and resentment towards your boss, team members, a fellow coworker, etc.?

How much ego are you bringing with you when you are interacting with others? Are you leading with your ego? This can be the downfall for so many professionals and leaders as they may be defaulting to their standard “lens” of I win, you lose or a very black and white mentality.

What if you could show up differently? Based on a conscious decision vs. defaulting? How might you be perceived differently and what would your professional world look and feel like if you were able to see everything as an opportunity? Find out more by watching this video!

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